
Eva Queralt

Eva Queralt

QPILATES Barcelona and QPLATES TORREÓN Badalona owner & Instructor

In 2003 I started practicing the Pilates Mat Method in a gym. After having contact with other disciplines such as yoga, pole dance, and martial arts, I discovered Pilates equipment during my residency in Cambridge (UK). It was there that I decided to make my passion, my profession and lifestyle.

I got my Pilates Intstructor Certification in two different Pilates academies. I worked in different centers until, finally, I opened my own studio QPILATES in Barcelona (2014) and years later, QPILATES TORREÓN studio in Badalona /2018)

During my residency in Doha, (Qatar 2015-2016) I had the opportunity to work and learn from Luz Lovern, in her LUZLIFE STUDIO.

I focus my classes and my training on Classical Pilates, participating in workshops at schools such as Platistic Old School or online training with other international teachers, such as Kathy Ross Nash, among others.

I adapt the class to the needs of the student, transmitting my passion for the Method and helping them to progress to achieve a balanced, strong and flexible body,

Giselle Kozan

Giselle Kozan

Pilates teacher

Graduate in Physiotherapy. I will have studied Pilates myself in Brazil for 9 years.

In Brazil, he went for training in Contemporary Pilates and after another Classic Seminar, with Professor Rafael Fiorini.
I am going to come to Barcelona in 2019 for a Master in Pilates with the professors Marian Tarín and Miguel Jorge from the Escola @pilatistic_oldschool (Tiana) and, in addition, I will work for a while with a professor.
I am always looking to update myself through classic Pilates Workshops and private classes.
I define him as an attentive, responsible, dynamic, observant and sociable person.
The main objective is to create an environment that is diverse and conscious of the cos in the classes seeking, at all times, the well-being of people through shared connection.

Jose Barrera

Jose Barrera

Pilates teacher

My dream was to be able to help others and it was fulfilled through movement. The other is being able to be in contact with nature and it is also being fulfilled. My memories, walking through the mountains as a child, my mother reading us a bedtime story, my grandparents giving us a snack. My advice is, do what you feel, act firmly and respectfully. Life is just moments. Live your life and you will achieve your dreams, and above all... Never stop moving.

I was born in Barcelona and I started playing sports when I was 18 and I haven't stopped since then. Movement is part of my life and I have gone through different disciplines and I am left with the best of each one. Maybe Dance, Yoga, Pilates... They were the three pillars that helped me the most to feel like a person.

Why did I stay with Pilates?

Because I found a way to help people of all ages and both sexes. Movement is something that I am passionate about, just like anatomy or being able to help others. And at the same time it is something that unites us, helps us lead a healthier life both physically and emotionally to be able to enrich ourselves as a person, in our social, sentimental, family relationships...

Relationships and affections are cultivated over time, and it is all that time we dedicate to what we do that makes them valuable to us. Reflecting on this and on the responsibility of being constant in our relationships, as well as in exercising or carrying out tasks that make us feel good, will favor the state of our health, and above all, of our person.

Daniella Cordao

Daniella Cordao

Pilates teacher

I have a degree in physical education and at the beginning of my career, I dedicated myself more to personal training in gyms. In 2011, I started my classical Pilates certification in Brazil and... I fell in love with the method!  I opened a Studio in my city. In 2015 I sold the studio and moved to Dublin to study English. I lived there for 7 years where I was able to work in studios teaching groups and private classes.  I did my second training course with Balanced Body and other specializations. In May 2022 I moved to Barcelona, ​​(a city that I like more every day!) and became part of the QPilates team.